Universal Studios Japan

One of the main reasons why we went to Japan was to see Universal Studios Japan or also known as USJ which is located in Osaka. We loved to see the park especially the Harry Potter Themed Park.

From our apartment, we walked again going to Nipponbashi Station. From Nipponbashi we went to Namba station and bought a Metro Ticket. From Namba, we alighted at the Metro train going to Nishikujo then alight again going to Universal City. We rode a Harry Poter themed train.

From the train we went to the entrance of the Universal Studio, the one with the revolving globe. From there we fell in line to buy a ticket. We got our map and looked at the Harry Potter-themed park.

A huge number of visitors flocked the Universal Studio since it was the 15th Anniversary of USJ. It was March 17, 2017, a Friday.

It was a very easy to spot where Harry Potter was because most of the people are going there.

It was still early but there are lots of goers inside. We were like kids once again, looking at the Hogwarts castle, checking the Hogsmeade, trying the wands.

We also saw the Snoopy and friends, Sesame Street, Hello Kitty as they also have their own theme park.

There was also a parade for the anniversary.

And some characters roaming around the park.

You can also try different rides.

Or eat at different restaurants.

You can also view outside performances.

And since it was near Easter, they also have Easter Egg Hunt.

You can also check other posts about Japan: Sakura in Japan

For Universal Studios ticket click here

Where to stay in Osaka, click here

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